In summary

  • Cs Kindiki has declared Gachagua an enemy of the  Nation.
  • Gachagua maintains that his unity call for the Mountain is unstoppable.


Deputy President Rigathi Gchagua has told off those criticizing him over his Mount Kenya unity efforts saying he will not stop presiding over the same for the benefit of his community.

According to Gachagua Mt. Kenya voted in overwhelming the Kenya Kwanza administration and that the the region are must fully benefit from the government.
He is advocating for favourable policies including the controversial ‘one man, one vote, one shilling’ revenue sharing formula.

While in Mombasa County on Wednesday when he officially opened a pharmaceuticals conference, Gachagua stressed the importance of Kenyans taking pride in their heritage and cultural identity.
“I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with where we come from individually. Everybody should be proud of his/her origin and identity and no one should ever make you feel embarrassed about your origin and identity,” said the DP who has recently been accused of propagating discord in the Mt. Kenya region.
According to Gachagua he will continue speaking about unity of the mountain despite warning salvos from his critics and that this weekend he will pitch camp in the village.

Yes Am a Villager

“I am speaking in English because some of you may not understand my language. I’ll speak Swahili where people can’t understand (English). But if I go to the village, what business do I have speaking English there and I’m not a mzungu?” the DP said.
“Si hiyo itakuwa maringo? Sasa wewe unaenda kwa kijji kila mtu anaongea lugha moja so why would you want to address those people in English or Kiswahili? Hiyo ni majivuno na maringo; tuwache madharau. Let’s be simple people and let’s not pretend to be something we are not.”

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