In Summary:

  • A diplomat is on the spot for diverting the course of the river to construct a fishpond
  • Embattled diplomat occupies houses number 88 in Runda Annex blamed for the historical floods in the lavish residential area.

A diplomat living in Runda Estate is on the spot for diverting the course of the river to construct a fishpond causing deluge back-flow of water to neighbors’ compounds

The diplomat who occupies houses number 88 in Runda Annex was blamed for the historical floods in the lavish residential area.

According to the estate’s residents association the historical floods in Runda Annex estate has been caused by the overflow of the diverted stream to the fishpond,that subsequently break its banks.

An investigations conducted by the Nairobi River Commission revealed that alterations of the waterways and heavy downpour over supplied the water to the diplomat’s farm exceeding the capacity.

The overflowing water hence ended up demolishing perimeter walls and subsequently finding its way into neighbors’ houses causing major distractions.


Drama ensued when the Nairobi County Government and Nairobi River Commission officials led by the Chair person Dr Pamela Olet made a scene visit in the estate, the diploma declined to open the gate for the officials.

The officers had to bring down part of the perimeter wall that fortifies the compound to gain entry.

A video exclusively obtained by Ghetto Radio shows the officials from the Nairobi Rivers commission,County governments officials and security officers in utter surprise of the damages.

“This is wrong, this is bad she can do this and still have the audacity to deny his action,we are here to break not to build.” A voice is heard in the video.

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1 Comment

  • Deejay Dot


    30 meters from the river eviction still applies.

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