In Summary

  • Cases of clubs and entertainment venues posting images of their customers without consent have become rampant
  • Roma School, based in Uthiru, found itself in the crosshairs of the data protection office

Casa Vera lounge a popular entertainment joint along Ngong Road has found itself in hot soup as it was fined 1.8 million shillings by the Office of Data Protection for posting a revelers photo on its socio media pages without customers consent.

In a press release, the Data Protection Commissioner revealed that the hefty fine was imposed after careful consideration of evidence presented.

Furthermore, the Data Protection Office stressed that this action against Casa Vera Lounge was taken as a deterrent, aimed at sending a powerful message to other clubs and lounges engaging in similar practices.

“The establishment was fined 1,850000 for posting a revelers image on their social media platform without consent,”Part of the statement read

“This penalty seeks to ensure that other lounges, clubs seek consent from their customers prior posting their images online,” .

This issue isn’t unique to Casa Vera lounge alone, across the city similar cases of clubs and entertainment joints posting images of customer’s without consent have become rampant.

Schools targeted

Revelers, who frequent these establishments for a night of fun, have long voiced their concerns and grievances about their pictures appearing on social media platforms without their permission, leading to embarrassment and intrusion into their personal lives.

In another noteworthy case, the Office of Data Protection did not spare educational institutions either. Roma School, based in Uthiru, found itself in the crosshairs of the data protection authority.

“This being the first and highest penalty to an educational facility sends to schools and other facilities handling minor’s personal data to obtain consent from parents/guardians,’

The school was slapped with a whopping 4.5 million shilling fine for posting pictures of minors without obtaining parental consent.


September 26, 2023

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