In Summary

  • Kindiki has assured Kenyans of their security amid the ongoing civil unrest and violent activities.
  • He further pledged to smoke out the perpetrators out of their hiding zones and brought them to book.


Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has assured Kenyans their security amid the ongoing civil unrest and violent activities that have marred Gen Z demonstrations in the county.

Kindiki describes the unrest as well orchestrated violence with planners scheduling terror on people of Kenya.

“The organisers of today’s orgy of violence in parts of Nairobi, Mombasa and several other parts of the country are reportedly planning to repeat their anarchic chaos and cruel plunder on Thursday and Sunday this week, and perhaps much more frequently in the future,” Kindiki said.

He further pledged to smoke out the perpetrators out of their hiding zones and brought them to book.

“This reign of terror against the people of Kenya and the impunity of dangerous criminal gangs must end at whatever cost. The Government is determined to stop criminals aiming to terrorise the public and harm Kenya, notwithstanding attempts to politicise crime.”

Kindiki Commends the Police

The cs however, applauded the law enforcers for combating those perpetrating the violence amid Gen Z demos across the country.

Kindiki commended the police for acting professionally and with restraint in the management of extremely provocative situations that arose in the course of the violent riots.

“The government commends all law enforcement officers who continue to discharge their challenging mandate of preventing crime and protecting the lives and property of the people of Kenya,” he said.



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