In Summary:  

  • DP Rigathi Gachagua has sued over his public attack on the Director General  NIS Noordin Haji.   
  • The suit was filed Friday afternoon by aactivist Fredrick Bikeri  
  • Bikeri says that impugned utterances by Gachagua in a press-conference held on Wednesday in Mombasa are misconceived, improper, untruthful and unlawful    

Human rights activist Fredrick Bikeri has sued the Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has been sued over his public attack on the Director General of National Intelligence Services ( NIS) Noordin Haji.

The suit was filed Friday afternoon by activist Fredrick Bikeri

Through his lawyer Danstan Omari the activist says that impugned utterances by Gachagua in a press-conference held on Wednesday in Mombasa are misconceived, improper, untruthful and unlawful made with the intent to cause incitement and fall short of the standard expected of a public officer of his capacity as the Deputy President of Kenya.

“The statements made by the 2nd Respondent during a press conference held on Wednesday, 25th June 2024, are misconceived, improper, untruthful, and unlawful. They were made with the intent to incite hatred against the concerned party and fall short of the standards expected from a public officer of his position as the Deputy President of Kenya,” reads the court papers

Bikeri wants the court to orders to the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to investigate the remarks made by Gachagua as against Noordin in his capacity as the Director General – National Intelligence Service.

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The suit is founded on the ground utterance by the DP that Noordin lacks eptitude and failed to brief President William Samoei Ruto on the impending countrywide tax-protest Gen Z demonstrations that left over 23 people dead.

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