•  England’s Euro campaign has been far from impressive, with a narrow win and a frustrating draw.
  •  Fans are furious at the team’s underachievement, expressing their anger with boos and criticism.
  • The manager’s tactics and player selection are questioned, particularly regarding underperforming stars like Foden and Kane.

England’s Euro 2024 hopes are in shambles, and fans are furious. The team’s disappointing performance has left many feeling frustrated and disappointed.

England’s first game barely scraped by with a 1-0 win, and things didn’t improve much in the second game, ending in a frustrating tie.

Even though they scored the first goal, they lost momentum quickly and couldn’t hold onto the lead.

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England Fans Are Furious
Gareth Southgate /Photo Courtesy


Thousands booed the team after the games, and some famous ex-players are calling out the coach’s choices.

They think Gareth Southgate isn’t using the best strategies or putting players in the positions where they shine.

For example,  Foden, who was the best player in the whole English league last season, hasn’t been able to show off his skills under Southgate.

Fans are also upset that superstars like Harry Kane aren’t performing as expected.

In an open press conference following the Denmark game, Southgate tried his hardest to address the criticism.

Southgate admits he’s trying new things to find the best way for the team to work together, but so far, it’s not clicking. He says injuries haven’t helped, and the team lacks the energy and connection they need to win.

England has only won two out of their last seven games, and the pressure is on to finally win a big trophy. Southgate is worried his team might not be able to handle it.

There’s still a chance for them to win their group and move on in the tournament, but they’ll need to play much better in their next game.

Southgate knows he needs to calm things down, figure out what’s wrong, and make smart changes to get England back on track.

The team’s performance has been a major disappointment, and fans are eagerly waiting to see if they can turn things around.

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