In Summary

  • Young Activists Call for Social Media Boycott of Uninvolved Celebrities
  • WhatsApp Groups Light Up with Calls for Action
  • Generation Z Takes to the Streets in Protest, Vows to Unfollow Non-Supportive Celebs

The streets of Nairobi were abuzz with the energy of Generation Z yesterday as they led a city-wide demonstration.

The young activists, known for being digital savvy and  their social consciousness, gathered in large numbers to voice their demands for change and accountability.

READ also:Gen Z Leads The Charge Against Finance Bill 2024

Young Activists Call for Social Media Boycott of Uninvolved Celebrities

Hundreds of Kenyans in Nairobi CBD protesting over the Finance Bill, 2024 on Tuesday, June 8, 2024.


In a bold move that underscores the influence of social media, the protest leaders have called for a boycott of celebrities who did not show support for their cause.

WhatsApp groups were flooded with messages naming and shaming several high-profile individuals, urging members to unfollow them on social media platforms and unsubscribe from their channels.

The Generation Z activists believe that these celebrities have a responsibility to stand with the people during such critical times.

WhatsApp Groups Light Up with Calls for Action

The call to action spread like wildfire across various WhatsApp groups, with many young people expressing their frustration and disappointment towards the silent celebrities. “We are the future, and we need everyone to be on board,” said one of the demonstrators. “If you’re not with us, you’re against us.”

Demonstrations Lead to Injuries as Tensions Rise

The demonstrations, while largely peaceful, were not without incident. Clashes between protesters and law enforcement led to several injuries. According to reports, a total of 12 individuals were injured during the confrontations. Medical teams were on-site to provide immediate assistance, and those with more serious injuries were taken to nearby hospitals for further treatment.

As Generation Z continues to push for change, it is clear that their methods and demands are resonating widely. The call to rearrange the country and hold everyone accountable, including celebrities, marks a significant shift in how social movements are conducted in the digital age.

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