In Summary

  • DCI is probing alleged fraudulent payment to nine companies.
  • Lobby group has threaten to stage a mass protest.

Nairobi governor Johnson Sakaja is a man under siege following threats by civil society groups to stage a mass protest against his regime should he fail to suspend  top finance officers at the  helm of alleged payment of “air” to nine companies at the expense of tax payers.

The Lobby Group Demands

Tunza Mtoto Coalition director who is also a former Nairobi CEC Janet Muthoni Ouko has given the county boss 7 days to explain to Nairobians how the  alleged fraud occurred and to fire officers involved.

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“We note with Some relief that the Directorate of criminal investigations has commenced investigations on the matter. However, The Tunza Mtoto Coalition-Kenya and Nairobi public is not confident on the good faith of city to allow proper investigations. Given the utmost gravity of the matter , Tunza Mtoto Coalition-Kenya and the Nairobi tax payers demand: 1.That the Governor as the Holder of the highest moral authority issues a public statement on the scandal and issues a commitment to cooperate with the investigating authority. 2.That the following senior officers Step aside to pave way for investigations; I. The County Executive Committee Member for Finance II. The County Chief Finance Officer III. The County Head of Treasury 3.That the County Assembly of Nairobi as the oversight body and pursuant to the Constitution and County Government Act Institutes proceedings To address the wanton Corruption in the County.” Ouko stated in statement to newsroom.

According to Ouko the officers are likely to interfere with the investigations.

“Should the governor not comply within 7 days, The coalition will take action including and not limited to mobilize Nairobians To mass action to eject the corrupt officials from office as well as mobilize county taxes resistance from the various sectors until confidence is restored back in the leadership of the county .” Ouko added.

Last week the Directorate of Criminal Investigations requested important documents from the county to facilitate the ongoing investigations touching nine companies believed to have benefited from the alleged fraudulent payments.

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1 Comment

  • Rukia Ahmed Farah


    Stopped killers Kenyan citizen Kenyan Zore government your day Ruto government would be pushed with the names almighty God willing pushing him and her families watching from today.1 August 2023 our prayers and crying will be answers with almighty God Amen

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