In Summary

  • Harmonize turns down Diamond’s show deal!
  • Diamond had hinted on celebrating 15 years in the music industry with Harmonize being one of the performers.
  • The Konde Gang president has affirmed that his Wasafi counterpart is a hypocrite.

Harmonize has turned down Diamond’s show deal affirming that the latter is a hypocrite. This was after Diamond hinted on celebrating 15 years in the music industry with Harmonize being one of the performers.

According to Harmonize, Diamond has sung countless times how he made him until it now irks.

He continued that the Wasafi supremo had made it a habit for bringing up the issue when he’s seeking out fans sympathy.

“Mshindi ni wewe brother ulie nitoa!!!

Tena najilaumu kwa nini niljibu whenda still ni

Haki yako kujivunia!! Ni vile umejivunia sana!!!

Tena unajivuniaga pale unapotaka huruma ya watu!!!” wrote Harmonize.

Diamond Platnumz PHOTO/INSTAGRAM


Blocking Harmonize’s International Shows

Harmonize further revealed that Diamond has been working with music promoters to block him from doing international shows for his own benefit.

He continued that Diamond goes to the extent of catering for his own bills during the overseas tours so that he doesn’t get booked.

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In the end, he lands several ambassadorial duties stretching to corporate endorsements.

“Ila kisiri siri huku unawaambiaga waanda shows hasa za njee kwamba nikiwepo mimi Konde Boy huwezi kufanya maana tutaonekana tupo level moja. Upo tayari kufanya bure nakujilipia mwenyewe kila kitu!!! Kiuhalisia hata mimi ningekuwa promoter ningechagua kilicho nafuu!!! Wakija kwa Konde anawaambia wamlipe maskini ya Mungu ili aendeshe maisha yake hana kazi nyengine zaidi ya muziki hawezi fanya bure. Good plans huna cha kupoteza maana hapa bongo watakuona we ni noma kupitia hizo shows utapata ubalozi na madili kadha!!! Hata usipolipwa!!! Hizo shows!!! he continued partly.

Can’t Happen, Won’t Happen

The Konde Gang president further affirmed that Diamond was dreaming by hoping that he would be sharing a stage with him knowing very well that he has been secretly fighting him.

“Kama unavyonikataa kisiri siri namii nakataa hadharani haitakuja tokea!!! Hiyo miaka sherehekea na wale ambao hawajakulipa!! Acha kutia huruma wakati wakati wewe ni mkomoaji mzuri sanaaa Bro” further read his statement.

While summing up, Harmonize threw shade at Diamond for expecting to reap where he had not sown. He further reminded him to change his ways in order to receive the respect he deserves.

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Nonetheless, he mockingly reminded all and sundry that he’s Diamond’s artist and no one would make him like he did huh!




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