In Summary

  • High cost of livings in Kenyans lips as country marks 60th anniversary.
  • Many feel deserted by government as the struggle to put food on the table.

As Kenya Marks the 60th Jamhuri anniversary many still feel that the country is yet to realize full independence from equality, democracy and robust economy.

Luke Swaka says the cost of living has left many Kenyans to celebrate nothing.He says the economical pain is pushing everyone  to dire need a situation that is depriving Kenyans their utmost peace and belonging.

“It is very difficult gone are the days when we could buy a chicken just to celebrate or attend this day. It has lost meaning to some of us.The cost of living has gone up and the Kenya Kwanza administration should tell us how they are addressing the same.. families can not anymore put 3 meals  on the table and the situation is worsening day by day.

Many feel deserted by government as the struggle to put food on the table continues.

“Shida Sasa ni kwamba hopes zetu haziko kwa gava wao ndio wametuleta huku Sasa wanataka tufanyaje.The government is busy increasing taxes with no value to taxpayers.Youths have been  left stranded the government expenditure is shocking. Something should be done for a better life tomorrow.” He added.

Mudavadi Message

Meanwhile Prime Cabinet Secretary and Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has called for renewed commitment to democracy, equality and justice as Kenya celebrates the 60th Jamhuri Day.

“On this day, we come together to commemorate the enduring spirit of our beloved nation. Today, we stand united in pride, reflecting on the progress we have achieved, the obstacles we have overcome, and the promise of a brighter future, we encourage Kenyans to invest in these spaces as much as they invest back home. As we celebrate Jamhuri Day, we renew our commitment to the core principles that define us – democracy, equality, and justice as a Commonwealth Member state,” he said.

December 12, 2023

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