In summary:

  • International investors had been lured from South Africa and Dubai into the office of Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi
  • The entrepreneurs had been promised a of tenders to construct two stadia for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) games.

International investors were last week  lured from South Africa and Dubai into the office of Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi,on the promise of tenders to construct two stadia for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) games.

Former news anchor  Salim Swaleh,Michale Japolo Otieno, Terry Kemunto Sese, Daniel Omondi John Musundi and James William Makokha are currently being investigated as the prime suspects.

The foreigners, who were to be defrauded of $4,5000 (Sh5,782,500) as registration fees before securing the tenders, were duped into thinking that after a meeting at the office, they would meet other government officials from the Interior and Sports ministries.

Prime CS Musalia Mudavada’s Press Secretary Salim Swaleh and five others arraigned in Milimani court for allegedly fraud,abuse of office,PHOTO:Rodgers Oduor

Others the victims were to meet include two senators in the parliamentary Budget committee and the Sports committee to secure the tender to build the stadia

The details of the fraud thwarted by intelligence officers are contained in an affidavit filed in court by Inspector of Police Nicholas Njoronge of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) headquarters.

“The first respondent (Michale Otieno) personated himself as the chairman of the government delivery unit domiciled at the office of the PCS and would assist the foreigners to speed up the tendering process,” Njoroge stated in his affidavit filed at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi.

The detectives are currently investigating a case of conspiracy to commit a felony, an attempt to obtain money by false pretense, impersonating a person employed in the public service, and abuse of office in contravention of the criminal procedure code.

Njoroge said there was a breach in security protocols in the way the foreigners were allowed into the office at the Kenya Railways headquarters and the same is under investigation.

The  UAE-based contractors, who was also a victim of the fraud are yet to be investigated.

The suspects will be held at the Capitol Hill station until Tuesday, when the court will deliver its ruling.

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