In summary 
  • The 2024 Finance Bill in Kenya, influenced by IMF and World Bank recommendations
  • The IMF and World Bank are criticized for undermining the sovereignty of developing countries
  • The EFF stands for economic freedom and strong social welfare, supporting Kenyan protests

The EFF condemns the violent crackdown on peaceful protesters in Kenya, calling for the government to cease police action and respect the right to peaceful assembly, demanding the immediate release of those arrested

The  south African’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have issued a powerful statement expressing their concern over the recent events in Kenya surrounding the proposed 2024 Finance Bill.

The statement noted that  Julius Malema and his party stand in unwavering solidarity with the people of Kenya, particularly the youth, who are bravely protesting against this exploitative legislation that seeks to impose severe taxes.

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Impact of the 2024 Finance Bill
Julius Malema/Photo Courtesy

The Finance Bill aims to raise $2.7 billion in additional taxes, significantly increasing the cost of living and production, thereby further burdening the Kenyan people who are already enduring dire economic conditions.

The EFF notes that the bill is a direct result of recommendations from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank to the Kenyan Government.

This situation is part of a broader issue faced by many developing nations, which are often subjected to the oppressive loan conditions imposed by these financial institutions.

Historical Context and Criticism of IMF and World Bank

The IMF and World Bank have a notorious history of undermining the sovereignty of developing countries.

Their loan conditions often stifle economic growth and development, treating African economies like test subjects for neoliberal policies.

These Bretton Woods institutions are criticized for their role in the re-colonization and infantilization of the African continent, using Africa as a pawn in geopolitical conflicts, and imposing austerity measures that lead to widespread poverty and social unrest.

These measures are also seen as a pretext for establishing US military bases on the continent.

“When the EFF marched to the Parliament of South Africa on February 23, 2022, we highlighted the damaging effects of South Africa’s R11.4 billion loan from the IMF, which came with restrictive conditions that imposed adverse economic and political policies on our country,” the statement recalled.

Support for Economic Freedom and Social Welfare

The EFF firmly supports economic freedom and the establishment of robust social welfare safety nets.

The protests in Kenya are a clear indication that the people are rejecting policies that exacerbate their suffering and demanding a government that serves their well-being.

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Condemnation of Violence Against Protesters

The EFF also raised concerns about the violent crackdown on peaceful protesters in Kenya, which has resulted in at least 200 injuries and over 100 arrests.

The use of tear gas, water cannons, and rubber bullets against citizens exercising their right to protest is unacceptable.

“We urge the Kenyan Government to stand down the police and respect the people’s right to peaceful assembly. All those who have been arrested should be released immediately,” the EFF declared.

Continued Support for Kenyan Protesters

The EFF will continue to support the fight for economic justice and commends the bravery of the Kenyan protesters.

They stand with them in their peaceful protest against the recommendations of the World Bank and IMF, which seek to impose exploitative legislation and crippling taxes on the Kenyan people.

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