In summary

• Oburu Odinga has told off the son of General Ogolla to keep off the investigations process.
• Joel said General was a friend to President and many other people in both the cabinet and security circle.

Siaya Senator Oburu Odinga has told off the son of General Ogolla to keep off the investigations process of the root cause of the unfortunate accident that saw General Ogolla losing his dear life.
According to Oburu Luo Nation has lost many great leaders in questionable circumstances from Tom Mboya,Dr. Robert Ouko among other hence need to conduct a thorough investigations.
“Even though it was an accident; in this region we’ve had many such accidents and we’ve also had assassinations of leaders from this region. So when such things happen we are a bit suspicious not because of anything, but we want to know the truth,” Oburu said.
“I was part and parcel of the team that was investigating the death of Ouko. It was very sad because the regime at that time managed to convince the family to be very protective and not allow people to go into details. So young man allow investigators to do their work,” he added.

Joel Sentiment on Ogolla’s Investigation

But during his speech Ogolla’s son Joel Ogolla cleared the air from any speculations surrounding the death of his father. He said General was a friend to president and many other people in both the cabinet and security circle.
“The President didn’t have to appoint him first of all and initially he saw his competencies and decided that this is the man for the job,” he said while paying tribute. Very quickly they became friends and started forming a serious chemistry which he would tell me ‘I have had a very good meeting with the boss. And it’s not the president alone, the deputy president as well,” he said.
He said immediately his father was sworn in he formed a formidable working relationship with the president and beyond.
“And his Cabinet Secretary, these people became like brothers. I have seen someone say that the president was actually in a corner. I know it went beyond their working relationship and they were working to change this country very seriously and its a serious blow to the three of them. As a family we thank you for putting your trust in General.”

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