In Summary
  • The 2024 Finance Bill stands in their way, a cruel slap of new taxes right when they need a chance to breathe.
  • Social media has become their battleground
  • Signs held high, chants echoing through the city,

The heart of Nairobi beats with a new rhythm these days, the pulse of a generation is rising. Kenya’s Gen Z is on fire, not with rage, but with the unwavering determination to fight for the future they were promised.

The 2024 Finance Bill stands in their way, a cruel slap of new taxes right when they need a chance to breathe.

Remember the hopeful chants of 2022? Dreams of jobs, a brighter tomorrow? Those promises now feel like a distant echo. Instead, young Kenyans face a harsh reality: a skyrocketing cost of living with limited opportunities, and this new bill threatens to slam the door shut entirely.

Their anger is a righteous flame, a refusal to be silenced.

But surrender isn’t in their vocabulary. These young lions are taking to the streets, their voices ringing out in peaceful protests.

Signs held high, chants echoing through the city, stand firm even under the watchful gaze of police. Their courage is a beacon, a testament to the unwavering spirit that burns within them.

READ also:Gen Z Leads The Charge Against Finance Bill 2024

Voices too Loud to Be Ignored
A section of protestors/Photo Courtesy


Social media has become their battleground. #RejectTheFinanceBill, a rallying cry that unites them across the digital divide. Their stories, shared online, paint a vivid picture of how this bill threatens their dreams. The message is clear, their voices are too loud to be ignored.

This isn’t just about a piece of legislation; it’s about a future on the line. Gen Z deserves a shot at building a good life, the one they were promised. They envision a Kenya where opportunity isn’t reserved for the privileged few, but a place where everyone has a chance to thrive.

The government must listen. These protests are more than just noise; they’re a clear call for change. Kenya’s young people aren’t just the future, they’re the changemakers of today. Their fight for a better tomorrow is a song of hope, a melody that will not be silenced until their dreams take flight.

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