In Summary:

  • Bishop George Githae is once again on the spotlight after leaving a 17 feets deep hole unattended in residential area
  • The hole intended for septic thus posing severe risks

A controversial city bishop is once again on the spotlight after leaving a 17 feets deep hole unattended in residential area.

Bishop George Githae Kamunya of Oasis of Grace church is accused of failing to fill up a hole that was intended for septic thus posing severe risks to lives of residents and animals of India village in Malaa area.

A resident confide to Ghetto Radio that thei Githae have constantly ignored their complaints about the hole that has remained open and unattended for months in residents area.

An open hole in India Village,Malaa Area Photo:Rodgers Oduor

Photos of open holes in India Village,Malaa Area Photo:Rodgers Oduor

A spot check by Ghetto Radio radio revealed no conspicuous perimeter tape has been tied to cordon off the hole at the centre of the controversy.

According to the ares village elder Timothy,the matter had been reported to him by Safe Neighborhood Association, he says they are currently consolidating complaints raised by the residents before they  summon the Githae.

When Ghetto Radio reach out the Bishop Githae for response, he did not accept or deny the allegations,the efforts to get a substantive response was futile as the man of cloth decline to receive the calls.

Echoes from the Past

Githae is not new to controversy, in 2016 he was accused of soliciting for nudes and sacrificing women an allegations he attributed to his estranged wife

In a divorce suit,his Ex-wife alleged that the bishop “during the subsistence of their marriage, has been engaging in extra marital abnormalities, in total disregard to the marriage commitment he made to the her.”

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