In Summary

  • People assume I’m filthy rich.
  • King Kaka is among the freshest Film Director’s earning big money thanks to their story telling abilities.
  • He fell in love with film making by loving his Video Director, Vincent Mbaya creations.

Rapper King Kaka has revealed that people assume that he’s filthy rich noting how he was asked to pay an abnormal figure for a script of his film, Kamtupe. With no option, King Kaka executed it by himself.

According to King Kaka, he had the whole idea by himself but still sought help from other sources who were already in the business.

However, money became an impediment with a huge figure at stake.

“Mimi ata script nimejifundisha kuandika, nimejifundisha tu, when I was doing “Kamtupe” I had the story lakini nikapigia watu wanisaidie but kila mtu alikuwa anaona ‘wee King Kaka uko na doo, wananiitisha madoo mob  so mi nikaanza tu kuandika” stated King Kaka.

The Kaka Empire president added that the opportunity to bring out the best in himself presented itself right there.

He went on to reveal that his debut film, Kamtupe paid off and remains etched on his mind. However, he didn’t give a specific figure.

King Kaka during past show PHOTO Courtesy


Invested Heavily On Film Equipment

King Kaka further disclosed that he has invested heavily on film equipment running to unknown figure.

His journey loving film making is also quite amazing, he never attended a film school but learnt the craft through his then film Director, Vincent Mbaya.

He spoke highly of this man while  also thanking everyone who has touched his heart in one way or the other.

According to the Atanishindia rapper, the film industry is growing.

However, some guidelines and policies must be outlined.

For this to come out swiftly, fans should also come out in droves and show their support.

King Kaka made this sentiments while at the second premier of “A Nurse Toto” a comical series by Eddie Butita.

He further applauded Butita for his exploits in film and content creation.


February 25, 2024

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