In summary:

  • President William Ruto has refuted reports of a massacre in Githurai
  • He says an investigation done by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which found no evidence of mass killings in Githurai.
  • KNCHR had told the media outlet that it had “received unverified reports of scores of residents who were killed by the stray bullets”,

President William Ruto has refuted reports of a massacre in Githurai on following the anti-Finance Bill protests staged on Tuesday 25th June

Ruto seat during joint media interview Seat at State House on Sunday, said an investigation done by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which found no evidence of mass killings in Githurai.

“BBC on that account went to investigate in Githurai, and of course, you know, you have read. BBC has said there was no massacre in Githurai. There was 1 person who was shot by the police,” he revealed.

Kenya National Commission on Human Rights had told the media outlet that it had “received unverified reports of scores of residents who were killed by the stray bullets”, which it said it would investigate.

READ Also: Tax Protests: Why Court Declined Application To Detain ‘Most-active’ Anti-Finance Bill Protesters

According to police reports, a protest that began peacefully turned riotous when an alleged group of about 6,000 became violent and lit a bonfire on a road in the area.

“Police officers led by the sub-county commander tried to negotiate with them to peaceably disperse but they refused and started pelting the officers with stones. A proclamation was read by the sub-county commander but they did not disperse instead turned very violent,” stated the report filed under OB Number 46/25/06/2024 at 9.15 pm

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