In summary 
  • The church urged the government to engage with the youth in a constructive manner
  • Adventist Church appealed to the youth to create room for dialogue with the government
  • The Church advised leaders to acknowledge their faults and seek forgiveness from their electorate.


The Seventh-day Adventist Church has issued a stern warning to the government regarding its threats towards peaceful demonstrators.

In a statement seen by Ghetto Radio, the church has called for meaningful and constructive engagement with the youth, emphasizing that threats and intimidation will only cause further division.

READ Also: Activists Protest Excessive Use of Force on Anti-Budget Demonstrators  

Call for Constructive Engagement

The church urged the government to engage with the youth in a constructive manner, allowing them to express their views without fear of retribution. The statement read, “We urge the government to hold a meaningful and constructive engagement with the youth and allow them to be. Threats of all kinds, negative language, and intimidation will only cause further divisions.”

Appeal to the Youth

Additionally, the Adventist Church appealed to the youth to create room for dialogue and refrain from destructive activities and negative language when expressing their views. “Further, we urge youths to create room for dialogue and desist from destructive activities and the use of bad language as they air their views. We have no doubt that every Kenyan of goodwill will choose to work towards constructive dialogue,” the statement added.

Recent Violence and Loss of Lives

The church’s statement comes in the wake of several peaceful demonstrators losing their lives at the hands of officers, others nursing gun injuries, some being abducted, and others living in hiding. This escalating violence has prompted the church to call for a more harmonious approach to resolving conflicts.

Leaders Urged to Seek Forgiveness

In a powerful conclusion, the church advised leaders to acknowledge their faults and seek forgiveness from their electorate. “We pray that Kenyan government leaders will be humble enough to acknowledge their faults and ask the electorate for forgiveness. We call on various government organs to consider other people’s views always and seek harmony in order to build a better Kenya,” the statement concluded.

The Adventist Church’s call for dialogue and reconciliation highlights the need for a peaceful and unified approach to address the current tensions in the country.


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