In Summary
  • The Senator says the younger generation has an obsession with money and a flashy lifestyle
  • She urged parents to be vigilant and question their children’s source of their money if they flag anything suspicious in their lifestyle.

Nominated Senator Tabitha Mutinda has now pointed fingers at the socialite slay queen culture as the main cause in the murders of young women in the country.

Mutinda in an Interview with Citizen TV said she was concerned over the young generation’s obsession towards a get rich quick mentality and the interest of wanting to have a lavish lifestyle at any cost.

“After KCPE and KCSE, there is sort of a default certificate that has been generated in our society called the socialite or slay queen certificate that the younger generation is awarding itself,” Mutinda said.

“In the Wahu case, … hear that these girls were able to send him close to 50,000 on the spot, a case that indicates that these girls are loaded with realize that it is sort of an environment that then is influenced by status,”

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Lack of Morals among the Youth

Commenting on the recent incidents of murder in the country, where by a 26 year old socialite Starlet Wahu whose lifeless body was discovered in an apartment in south B, and a 20 year old JKUAT fourth year student Rita Waeni who met a similarly gruesome fate, the senator stressed that the obsession with wealth would be the end of young people.

“When at the age of 20, a girl is able to go and meet strangers in an Airbnb, it leaves a lot to question. The society has changed. Girls are coming out and proudly talking about it like, “We are in this for businesses,”

Parents Blamed

Mutinda has further urged parents to be vigilant and monitor their children’s movements closely, especially if they begin displaying suspicious behaviors.

READ ALSO: Pastor Kanyari Defends Sister Starlet,”Hakua Ameokoka”


January 18, 2024

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