In Summary

  • Muslims begin the Ramadhan month
  • Leaders including the president and the chairperson of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslim  extend their heart-felt regards
  • Distribution of donations to help the needy was ongoing.

While Muslims around kick start the blessed month of Ramadan, leaders including the president and the chairperson of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslim  extended their heart-felt regards.

The regards are mainly for  blessings and joy to the faithful as they embark on this pious and victory-filled mission.

Ramadan, commenced  on March 11th and ends on April 9th as a period of spirituality and unity.

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About Ramadhan

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This time is  for fasting and prayers by leaders, who more often than not believe that is the best time for an individual to reflect.

The month is a part of the Islamic calendar.

Compassion, generosity and self-control are among the values the Prophet speaks about as the cornerstone of Ramadan.

While fasting, those who choose to follow the Prophet are urged to rely on their faith in Allah as well as the support from their community.

Presidents Message

In a heartfelt message of solidarity,President William Ruto has extended his support to Muslims across Kenya as they embark on the holy month of Ramadhan.

“I join all Kenyans in expressing solidarity with Muslims as they endevour to attain piety and righteousness during the holy month of Ramadhan. May your sacrifices please God and may your families be blessed abundantly,”President William Ruto said.

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Muslim leaders’ message

Much like this, the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslim(SUPKEM)  chairperson reinforces that Muslims develop a sense of unity and togetherness during the month of Ramadan.

He mainly puts forward  that fasting and prayer is a means of strengthening one’s faith in Allah. It also promotes kindness and inclusiveness in human relationships.

“Ramadhan apart from being one of the pillars of Islamic faith,it is a period that we Muslims are required to inculcate the values of discipline Love ,forgiveness,giving and sharing,”said the SUPKEM chairperson, Hassan ole Naado

Moreover,Naado  urges Muslims to strengthen there devotion to God .Speaking in Nairobi he said distribution of donations to help the needy was ongoing.

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