In Summary

  • Wakadinali unveils anti-finance bill merchandise.
  • Khaligraph was the first celebrity to come up with the anti-finance bill gears.
  • A big number of celebrities are against the Finance Bill with only a select few who are pro the bill. 

Hip hop group Wakadinali have unveiled their anti-Finance Bill merchandise cleverly weaved into their nickname ‘Rong Rende’ with an affirmation of ‘Rejects’ depicting their stance on the controversial bill.

Rong Rende loosely translates to the ‘Baddest Group’.

The merchandise includes; trendy black T. shirts and face masks.

The outfits also boast of three clenched fists symbolizing struggle. Summing up their outlook is a hashtag with the letter ‘R’ written thrice for ‘Rong Rende Rejects’.

Taking to their Instagram, the group did not only endorse the demonstration but also promised to give out the merchandise for free.

“Wakadinali endorses this!!! Tupatane wote this Tuesday. Free Merch to March that Day” partly read their caption.

Earlier, Hip hop star Khaligraph Jones set the pace when he unleashed the customized anti-finance bill gears.

The black T. Shirts also bore Khaligraph’s nickname the in plural ‘OGs’.

Wakadinali’s merchandise also borrowed heavily from Khaligraph’s from the color, the use of three clenched fists and the word ‘Reject’ thus identifying themselves with the same course.

Hip Hop Group Wakadinali PHOTO INSTAGRAM


Fans Reactions

Following Wakadinali’s move, netizens have littered their commentary with hundreds ready to don them.

Wakadinali have also been applauded for their bold move in saying ‘No’ to the controversial bill.

Their fans from other towns who are against the bill have also shared their excitement in having a piece of the merchandise.

The moment also saw some fans quoting lines from the group’s revolutionary song, Siku Youths Wataungana done barely four years ago.

We sampled a few of the comments below.

“Achia noma maulana, Youth already tunaungana”

“Tuesday ndio siku youths tuaungana ile proper”

“Hio siku Wakadinali wakuje watuimbie tuingie gangster mood”

“Zifike Nanyuki we’re Rong Rende”

This is not the first time Wakadinali are coming up against bad governance resulting to police brutality.

In their song, Njege Masanse they call out rogue police for their waywardness.

Recently, when a teenager named Ian Njoroge got detained for clobbering a cop, Scar Mkadinali boldly offered to bail out the youngster.

According to Scar, the police force is a corrupt unit having beaten him up in the past for no apparent reason.

Tuesday’s demo forms the beginning of part the planned ‘7 Days Of Rage’ following the death of at least three protesters from last Thursday’s demos.

READ Also:Khaligraph Clothing Anti-Finance Bill Protesters!

A big number of celebrities are against the Finance Bill with only a select few who are pro the bill.



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