In Summary

  • Zanzibar committed to preserving its traditions
  • Men to get special permit to plait their hair

The Government of Zanzibar has introduced a ban on men braiding their hair, with violators facing severe penalties including hefty fines and imprisonment.

The ban aims at preserving ‘Zanzibar’s traditional culture.

According to the new regulations, men caught braiding their hair without a special permit will be subject to a fine of Sh1 million ($408), six months imprisonment, or both.

Dr. Omar Adam says that the  law has been in existence since 2015, even though it is just now been implemented.

The regulations require men to obtain a special permit for hair braiding. Failure to comply with the ban may result in arrests, fines, or imprisonment.

The council’s executive secretary Omar Adam told local media that police will arrest any man who plaits his hair in Zanzibar without a special permit.

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