In Summary

  • Zuchu to undergo breast enlargement surgery at Diamond’s cost.
  • Diamond is still adamant with fears of his girlfriend inviting sickness more so cancer.
  • The Tanzanian celebrity power couple were the main attraction during the grand opening of thehigh-end hotel, Timba XO in Eldoret associated with politician, Oscar Sudi.

A video of Zuchu requesting her boyfriend Diamond to pay for her the bills for breast enlargement surgery has hit the internet. However, Diamond is still adamant with fears of his girlfriend inviting sickness more so, cancer.

Zuchu wasn’t giving up despite the warnings, she pressed Diamond further affirming that Diamond will nurse her.

She went ahead and shared her willingness to accept another woman in Diamond’s life during her health battles.

In the video, Zuchu shares her wish while recording Diamond who’s lying beside her on their bed.

“Natata kwenda kufanya surgery ya manyonyo, nifanye yawe makubwa kidogo…So I should go you’ll pay for the surgery” Zuchu presses further

“Cancer bado ikusumbue” Diamond replies partly

“Si utanilipia, nitatibiwa kwa hela zako, utauniuguza, utatafuta mpenzi mwingine wakujiskiza” continues Zuchu partly.


Risks Of Breast Implants

The average cost of breast surgery is $4, 294 according to the latest findings from the American Society Of Plastic surgeons.

However, there are risks associated with the process as listed below.

  • Breast pain/breast sensation.
  • Additional surgeries.
  • Capsular contracture/Scar tissue.
  • Lymphoma- Cancer of the immune system.
  • Breast cancer.
  • Reproductive complications.
  • Breastfeeding challenges-women who have undergone the process may not be able to breast feed due to loss of breast tissue.
  • Effects on toddlers-It is said that silicone may be passed through to toddlers during breastfeeding.

Despite the risks, modernized women go for it while seeking the ‘perfect cleavages’.

Zuchu and Diamond were the main attraction during the grand opening of the high-end hotel, Timba XO in Eldoret associated with politician, Oscar Sudi.

So the next time you see Zuchu with big nyonyo’s she might have done that thing huh!


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