In summary;
  • Heightened Security Presence
  •  All roads leading to and from the State House have been blocked off by elite security troops, diverting traffic to alternate routes. 
  •  Demonstrators remain determined to continue their week-long protest against the Kenya Kwanza government.

A strong multi-agency security team made up of different police units has been stationed throughout Nairobi in anticipation of the Thursday protests led by the youth.

The demonstrators intend to climax their week-long protest against President William Ruto’s administration with a daring march to the State House.

READ also:End Your Protests by 6.30 pm Evening,Cs Kindiki Orders Gen Z

Anti Finance Bill Protests
Scenes at the Nyayo National Stadium/Photo Courtesy of X


In the wake of Tuesday’s violent protests in which demonstrators stormed Parliament to denounce the Finance Bill 2024, security personnel are keen on blocking entry to the president’s mansion.

All roads going to and from the State House have been blocked off by elite security troops, diverting traffic to alternate routes.

Strict instructions have been given to the heavily armed officers stationed strategically close to the property to prevent any unlawful entry through the entrances.

Additionally, military-grade security equipment has been deployed to reinforce the roadblocks near State House.

Despite President Ruto’s decision to withdraw the controversial bill, the demonstrators remain determined to continue their protests, reflecting their deep-seated dissatisfaction with the Kenya Kwanza government.

READ also: MPs Approve KDF Deployment Amid Controversy

Mixed Reactions

Reactions to the plan to march on the State House have been mixed. Many have expressed worries about possible violence and fatalities, and they have urged young people to think twice before engaging in such a dangerous activity that is frequently referred to as traitorous.

But the demonstrators remain unwavering in their quest, motivated by a deep feeling of unfairness and a yearning for substantial political change.

In an effort to avoid a recurrence of Tuesday’s chaos and make sure that the protests do not turn into a more serious conflict, security personnel seem ready for anything that might come up.

The government and its security apparatus are on high alert to maintain order and public safety, and the atmosphere is still tense as both sides prepare for what is about to happen.

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