In Summary
  • The mountaineer had a laid down plan on the no-oxygen attempt
  • Cheruiyot Kirui found dead on Mount Everest
  • List of items He Carried with Him

A few days ago deceased mountaineer Cheruiyot Kirui took to his Instagram page sharing planned  safety measures as he embarked on His Mt Everest Climb .

The banker, who worked for Kenya Commercial Bank, reportedly attempted to scale Everest without using supplemental oxygen

At extreme altitudes (5,500-8,848 metres), supplementary oxygen can be used to prevent the effects of severe hypoxia— a condition in which not enough oxygen reaches the body’s tissues

Cheruiyot Kirui’s Preparedness

Kirui acknowledged that his attempt came with risks,

”A no-oxygen attempt comes with its special preparations and risks,phsyically  my body is ready. On the other risks im taking the following measures ” Partially read His  Instagram post

His plan on dealing with the cold Cold

”Without oxygen one is more susceptible to frostbite. So I have hands, pair of heated mittens with a spare set of batteries ” further read the post

Feet: Two pairs of heated socks with a spare set of batteries

He carried with him medication too,

”I’m susceptible to HAPE so i’m armed with Nifedipine. For Hace I Have Dexamethasone. And Acetazolamide  . Manaslu taught me well having had an episode  of HAPE and no meds” added Kirui

Emergency Oxygen

Mr Nawang Sherpa whose fate at the time of this publication was unknown was to ferry an emergency bottle of oxygen

”Nawang Sherpa will ferry an emergency bottle of oxygen  to be used

I’f I go lights out or if i go bananas

I’f am time barred

Unfavorable weather

Body limit reached when i realize I’m no superman” further read the post

The Kenyan climber had  planned to climb from the Tibeh/North side to avoid traffic.

Kirui Was Undertaking a Heavy Investment

Further to his Instagram post he laid bare what it meant to achieve the Mt.Everest climb

‘And  so after heavy investment physically,mentally,timewise  (this expendition is taking more than a month from a regular 8to 5 banker)  financially ( the amount of zero’s neded to make this happen means i declare bankruptcy immediately i land back in Kenya) Its now the moment of truth ”


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