In Summary.

  • Ian Njoroge, the driver who was filmed in a viral video assaulting a traffic police officer charged
  • Lawyer representing Ian submitted continued detention is to subject him extreme torture 

Ian Njoroge, the driver who was filmed in a viral video assaulting a traffic police officer in a road rage incident along Kamiti Road, has been charged with robbery with violence among other charges.

According to the state, Ian jointly with others robbed a police officer, a radio call, and his phone worth Ksh 50000

The prosecution averred that during the commission of the offense, Ian Njoroge assaulted Officer Jacob Ogendo.

Ian was further charged with causing grievous harm to the complainant and resisting arrest.

The prosecution applied to court not to release Ian on bond, as he has yet to record a statement.

Lawyers representing Ian, Duncan Okatch, and Vincent Lempaa, however vehemently opposed the application by the DPP, citing that Ian would be subjected to extreme torture if further detained.

The lawyers submitted that Ian is a first-year student in a public university and that continued detention will affect his academic calendar.

The defense lawyers further played a video where the officers instructed Ian to insult himself.

In the clip, the motorist was seen knocking down the police officer with an overhand before soccer-kicking him in the face.

As he attempted to attack the officer again, several people dashed to his aid as the motorist was captured fleeing the scene.

Charged Twice.

In traffic court Ian was charged with obstruction, carrying excess passengers and failure to obey verbal instruction from a traffic police officer but was released on ksh 100000 bond term.

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