In Summary

  • Bahati and Daina Marua have unfollowed each other on there instagram pages.
  • The couple has been together for 7 years.
  • The musician posted photos of Diana and Victor Wanyama on his page and later posted a photo of him and his baby mama Yvette Obura and there kid.

Re-known musician Kevin Bahati  has left  fans in a dilemma after posting a photo of his wife Diana Marua with Victor Wanyama.

He later posted a photo of himself with his baby mama Yvette Obura and there daughter.

Bahati and Diana have been in marriage for 7 years and have 5 children together including one adopted son and Yvette’s daughter.

READ also:Is Bahati Divorcing Diana Marua?

Social Media Accounts

First,Bahati unfollowed his Wife Diana on instagram which sparked the social media.

Later Diana unfollowed Bahati and also deleted recents posts that they are together.

He went ahead and  posted an old photo of his wife and footballer ,Victor Wanyama which lead to rumours of there marriage being in trouble.

Fan reacted to this posts saying that Bahati might be preparing to release a new song .

He was advised to stop using such ‘expensive’ jokes to clout chase.

The situation further escalated after Bahati went ahead and posted a photo of himself and his baby mama Yvette Obura and there child with a caption “I wish I  knew!”

Read Also:Is Bahati Divorcing Diana Marua?

This stirred social media fans and other celebrities  triggering some comments .

Karen Nyamu nominated senator for women affairs commented,”I knew one day Diana atapatikana. I’ve seen them many times kwa gym na huyo msee.”

Alex Mwakideu advised Bahati not to involve his children in his issues with his marriage.

“From a big brother,whatever is going on,please do not involve your kids.please,”Mwakedu commented.

Diana and Victor Wanyama

The photo that Bahati posted of Diana and Wanyama once circulated the internet  which prompted Diana to explain her relationship with Wanyama publicly in 2020.

She denied ever dating the Kenyan footballer and made thing clear concerning the photo.

“I met Victor through mutual friends and we hanged out.This translated to us taking selfies and group photos,”she explained.


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