What you need to know:

  • Petition seeks removal of CJ Martha Koome
  • He says flouted the law in appointing members of the tax appeal.

A petitioner has moved to the Judicial Service Commission seeking the removal of Chief Justice Martha Koome from the office.

The petitioner ,Michael Kojo Otieno claims that the CJ flouted the law in appointing members of the tax appeal.

“While appointing persons to serve at the tax appeal tribunal ,the judge failed to be honest in execution of powers conferred to her by the tax appeal Tribunal act based on powers conferred to the judge to judicial officer…..,”reads the petition

Kojo says that the CJ was not transparent and diligent, adding that she discriminated persons who had applied to be members of the board

“The actions of the chief justice in appointing members more that the stipulated requirement violated section 4b of the Tax Appeal Tribunal Act,” Kojo says.

He added that for the above reasons, the chief justice gave is unfit rendered to hold office and should be removed from office .

“The actions of the chief justice in appointment of the tax appeal tribunal are indeed illegal ,null and void and hence unfit to hold public office,”reads the papers.

The looming ouster comes amid pressure from the Kenya kwanza politicians on the Judiciary alleging judiciary was making government development plans.

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