In Summary

  • The UDA Party calls for a crisis meeting on Thursday to solve.
  • Current leadership will stay in office until final decision is made.


The UDA party has revoked earlier communication that purpoted to have replaced current Minority Leader Antony Kiragu and Minority Chief Whip Mark Mugambi alias Roro.
Addressing the Media UDA party secretary general Cleophas Malala says they have convened a parliamentary grouping for all UDA MCAs after which members will decide on their leaders.
He says he received a complain from section of the UDA party that some signatures presented before them were fake and that it’s prudent for the party to scrutinize the same.
“All of them are our members and the UDA Party believes in transparency.As a secretariat we are very neutral.I have done a letter to call for a meeting that will take place here at the party headquarters where by the members will now proceed and elect leaders of their choice.We want to have a stable county and as we do that we must also practice fairness.” Malala told the media at Hustler Center.

“It is also clear that the matter is beyond what we see ..Thursday we have also invited top party leadership so that we can resolve these issues in a more democratic manner.” He added.

External Forces

Meanwhile Kiragu has pointed an accusing finger to Embakasi North member of Parliament James Gakuya and Nairobi deputy governor for their woes.

They say the two leaders met section of UDA members where a plot was hatched to ouster them.
“The DG must get it very clearly that we shall not allow him to perpetrate the ethnic groupings among leaders.That will not work.” Kiragu said.

“We want to tell him that he either shape up or ship out .He has been working tirelessly to have us out but we want to tell him to stop.” Mugambi said.

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