Senator Ledama is advocating for a cease in taking huge loans and suggests tax relief on agricultural inputs so as to boost the country’s productivity. 

In Summary:

• Senator Ledama Olekina suggests agricultural inputs to be exempted from taxes.

• The Narok Senator disagrees with the governments intention to keep borrowing & export labour.

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina has emerged as a vocal advocate for the agricultural sector. In a recent social media video, he urges the current government to reconsider heavy taxes on agricultural inputs.

African man tilling the land with foreign machinery/Photo Courtesy

In a bid to support farmers and boost the nation’s agricultural productivity, Senator Olekina emphasizes the critical role of reducing financial burdens on essential elements of farming.

The Importance of Agriculture.

Agriculture is the backbone of many economies, providing sustenance and livelihoods for a significant portion of the population.

One such challenge is the imposition of high taxes on agricultural inputs, impacting farmers’ ability to invest in quality resources.

Woman harvesting in a plantation in Nandi Hills/Photo Courtesy

“A progressive government must do away with all Value Added Tax that has to do with agricultural inputs. It must do away with all import & export taxes for all agricultural inputs & anything that helps grow our economy,” said the Narok Senator.

In Kenya, where agriculture plays such a crucial role in the economy, it is necessary to address challenges hindering the sector’s growth.

No More Loans.

Senator Ledama states that the loans from IMF and World Bank will ultimately only render the Kenyan republic stunted and could never be a solution for the growth of our economy.

International Monetary Fund Crest/Photo Courtesy

“The only way this country called Kenya can be able to progress is when we now start depending on ourselves. Let us import machinery from abroad and build our industries,” said the Senator.

He also added that the system we currently have in Kenya is ‘dirty’. Plagued by corruption and politicians only interested with enriching themselves.

“Lee Kuan Yew, who is the father of Singapore had one policy: Clean the system. But our system today is dirty, it’s corrupt. We tax citizens then those taxes are stolen by people in power.” alleged Olekina.

Public-Private Partneship.

The Narok Senator advocates for a system of governance where the public & private sector work together for the purpose of delivering a project.

He argues that this way, the government would build infrastructure easily without including heavy loans.

“Instead of taking big loans, we now need to move into a system of Public-Private Partneship. That is progressive leadership.” said Senator Olekina.

What do you think? Is the Kenya Kwanza regime run by so called ‘Progressive Leaders’? Only time will tell. Rudi Nyumbani.

November 27, 2023

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