In Summary 

  • Notorious B.I.G’s mother itching to slap Diddy!
  • Initially she loved Diddy thinking that he was a nice man.
  • Diddy is currently wading through a barrage of attacks since his video assaulting ex-lover, Cassie emerged.

Notorious B.I.G’s mother, Voletta Wallace is itching to slap the hell out of Diddy following his recent viral video assaulting ex-lover, Cassie. She further affirmed that she’s truly disappointed with Diddy for her earlier belief that he was a gentleman.

While reacting to the viral video, Voletta noted that she wanted to see Diddy in person with the sole aim of slapping him hard.

The 71 year old described the video as heart wrenching while sending both Cassie and her mother prayers love and light while wishing that Diddy apologizes.

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“I’m sick to my stomach, I’m praying for Cassie, I’m praying for her mother. I don’t want to believe the things that I’ve heard but I’ve seen the hotel video. I pray that he apologizes to her, I hope that I see Sean one day and the only thing I want to do is slap the daylights out of him…You can quote me on that because I liked him. I didn’t want to believe all the awful things but I’m so ashamed and embarrassed.

Diddy and Cassie PHOTO/INSTAGRAM


Settled Lawsuit

Despite Cassie’s assault by Diddy already a settled matter, Diddy is not yet off the hook.

Other women have since stepped forward accusing the Hip hop mogul of sexual assault.

Cassie is rumored to have pocketed $50M from Diddy to lie low on her case.

Apart from physical assaulting Cassie, Diddy also offered her to other men to sleep with her.

Before the viral video, Diddy had termed the accusations against him as mere money minting schemes.

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Diddy is currently wading through a barrage of attacks since his video assaulting ex-lover, Cassie emerged.


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