In Summary
  • Mental health is a growing concern globally, including Kenya
  • May marks Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Reaching out to family, friends and mental health professionals when needed can be lifesaving.

Mental health is a growing concern globally, including Kenya, where one in four Kenyans struggle with mental illness.

May marks Mental Health Awareness Month; a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health issues.

Mental Health Definition

The World Health Organization defines Mental health as ‘’ a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral ‘’

Mental health advocates say some people simply don’t know how to express their emotions, or don’t feel comfortable doing so.

Additionally they have emphasized on the need to look out for the people in our lives, and watch for the signs and behaviors that someone is silently depressed.

READ also:Government launches National Guidelines on Workplace Mental Wellness.

Signs that People Don’t Pay Attention to

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In most cases the person suffering doesn’t even know that they have a problem, which makes silent depression even more dangerous.

During a discussion on X (netizens have shared a few insights on signs that are in most cases ignored and might be significant signs when a person is struggling mentally

Some of the comments are captured below,

‘’Loss of interest in things that were previously enjoyable and increased irritability are hallmark symptoms of depression, and still aren’t talked about enough’’ commented one user

‘Eyes. People never pay attention to eyes. A depressed person will avoid eye contact.’’ added a different user

‘’Even if smile, it’s not the same. Person’s eye contact. The gaze. Longing for being understood. Or looking away feeling anxiety.’’ wrote another X user

‘’Personality changes. For instance if one did not have so much anger before the depression this can magnify. Also, certain characteristics can be worse. If one is an introvert, they will be an extreme one or ‘if you were doing fine with a type of anxiety, but it gets worse.’’ Shared a different user

‘’When you start to give away the things you love’’ added another  user

‘’Abuse of addiction of all forms food, sex, drugs, alcohol etc. Always looking elsewhere for an escape instead of facing self to find the root of the problem’’

As we mark the mental awareness month it’s important to note that seeking support is very crucial

Although there still exists stigma against people with mental illness, challenging that stigma is important as well as acknowledging that it’s okay to ask for help.

Reaching out to family, friends and mental health professionals when needed can be lifesaving.

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