In Summary

  • They attacked and robbeda a foreign couple over Sh13.5 million
  • Other suspects still on the Loose
  • The DCI warns of an upsurge in gold scams and similar frauds

Four suspects who attacked and robbed a foreign couple over Sh 13.5 M in a fake gold decay have been  arrested in Nairobi.

According to a statement by the directorate of criminal investigations, the suspects were nabbed on October 28th.

‘’Jack Ouma Okwiri, Nashon Otieno  Angudha, Felix Ochieng’ Nyongesa were arrested in an operation at The Social House Nairobi Hotel in  Lavington, while the fourth suspect Ronald Arani Kirera was nabbed at an office setup building in Runda  Glory Valley no. 685. ‘’ Read in part the Statement

READ Also: DCI Detectives Arrest Gold Scammer Suspect From Fleeing at JKIA

Photo Courtesy Of DCI X account


Couple Robbed of And Attacked

The Australian man and his Ugandan wife were lured into the country from Uganda by their to-be attackers, for a gold business deal in Nairobi.

According to the DCI, a contact person who identified himself as ‘Raymond from England’ had days earlier connected the couple with Felix Ochieng  Nyongesa, who posed as the seller.

”After a series of whatsapp conversations, Felix asked the couple to  meet him at Village Market in Gigiri, Nairobi on Oct 28, where they were to do the business.” Further explained the DCI

Photo Courtesy

Felix sent a driver who picked them in a Toyota Prado and drove them to the office setting building along Glory Rd in Runda, where more than 10 men lay in wait.

The investigative agency says it is  at the meeting where the couple was robbed of the cash and attacked

‘’On arrival at their snare, gears shifted fast from the initial VIP treatment to a rough up that subdued them, with the man suffering hefty blows and strangulation that left his wife begging for their lives.

The  couple was hurled back in the Prado and dumped at Rehema Hse within the CBD where Good Samaritans helped them to a South B hospital where they were treated before reporting to DCI Gigiri.

Forged Certificates of  mines  Recovered

The police recovered money counting machines, metallic boxes, forged certificates of mines, customs reflector jackets, military boots, KRA certificates, stamps, a Kenyan flag and fake golden metal bars  at their Runda office.

As further investigations continue, the DCI warns of an upsurge in gold scams and similar frauds, cautioning venturing parties of the existence of well-organized criminal rings that are yet to be repressed. Detectives are, however, sharpening their claws on scammers, and it’s just a matter of time before justice triumphs over their impunity.

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