Hon. Raila Odinga shares the meaning of the Kenyan Dream as coined by the founding fathers of the Kenyan nation.

In Summary:

• Raila Odinga gives a run down of the Kenyan National Anthem and the deeper meaning of the words we recite ever so often.

• The Kenyan dream according to Raila Odinga and our way forward as a nation 60 years later.

The Kenyan National Anthem.

Raila, arguably the most prominent political figure in Kenya, has found inspiration in the profound words of the Kenyan National Anthem.

Raila Odinga, of the Azimio La Umoja (Declaration of Unity) One Kenya Alliance, speaks during a Reuters interview:Photo Courtesy.

“The Kenyan Dream as coined by the founding fathers of our nation and you find it in our national anthem that says God bless this our land & nation,” began Hon. Raila Odinga during his speech.

As the anthem resonates with the spirit of the nation, Odinga has drawn attention to its esoteric meaning, emphasizing the deeper significance that extends beyond mere lyrics.

May We Dwell In Unity, Peace & Liberty.

Quoting the anthem’s proclamation of justice, Odinga emphasizes the need for fairness and equality within our society. He believes that a just society is a peaceful society, where citizens are treated with dignity and respect, creating an environment conducive to lasting harmony.

Kenyan Citizens pray during a peace rally in Nairobi ahead of Kenya’s August 8th election: Photo Courtesy

“May we dwell in unity, peace & liberty. Plenty be found within our borders. In unity meaning that people who are united. Where there is no form of discrimination, under the basis of race, tribe religion or gender,” emphasized the AZIMIO leader.

Clearly, to him this ‘unity’ is not just a lofty ideal but a practical necessity for progress and prosperity in togetherness.
In a memorable statement, Odinga proclaimed, “People cannot be hungry and peaceful at the same time.” This assertion captures his conviction that true peace is intricately linked to the well-being of citizens. Hunger, poverty, and inequality, in his view, are obstacles to achieving genuine harmony in the Kenyan society today.

“Peace…Peace is not merely an absence of war. Somebody who is hungry cannot be peaceful. It has got a wider meaning; that peace that is talked about there.” Said Hon Odinga.

Woman hawking in the streets of Nairobi with a child strapped to her back: Photo Courtesy

He asserts that peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of prosperity and well-being. According to him, a peaceful society is one where the basic needs of the people are met, ensuring that hunger does not sow the seeds of discontent within the hearts of fellow Kenyans.

‘Baba’ seems to have seized upon this as a call for a united front against the challenges that Kenya faces. He envisions a nation where citizens stand together, transcending their differences for the greater good of the republic. Which might be in the best interest of all Kenyans. Rudi Nyumbani.

December 12, 2023

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1 Comment

  • KHÔIŠAN King


    Nice article worth reading

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