• In recovery one has to accept that the feeling of loneliness
  • In addiction treatment they encourage peer-to-peer interaction during recovery.

The feeling of loneliness is quite normal for persons who are in recovery,

Addiction counselors say in recovery one has to accept that the feeling of loneliness is normal, and continue encouraging persons in recovery that things get better as you continue your recovery.

David Mugendi an addiction counselor, says understanding yourself and enjoying your company is the best way to fight loneliness, it helps build one’s self-reliance and independence

Recently, persons in recovery have taken to the X space sharing their journey as a way of encouraging others

Some notable X messages are captured below,

‘’Life gets lifey in sobriety but it pales compared to the living hell of alcoholism’’

‘’Every sober/clean day is a win no matter how you did it!!! Be proud of yourself! I’m proud of you!’’

‘’In my alcoholism I lived a miserable existence, filled with guilt, lies and self-loathing. In my recovery I live a happy and peaceful life. My life isn’t perfect but I am truly grateful for all that I have’’

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Addiction is not a sign of weakness nor an indication of a flawed character and moral failure. It is a common condition that millions of people worldwide fight every day, regardless of age, background, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status.

Tips when feeling lonely in Recovery

Grieve the loss

Life gets better when you end your addiction, in most cases it feels like losing a best friend, your companion in most days,

Counselors define it as saying goodbye to  toxic “friendships” you formed during your addictive days.

Acknowledging the loss and allow yourself to grieve ,which will  help you move forward.

Talk to someone about your loneliness

One is advised to not sit in loneliness but rather find someone you feel comfortable opening up to.

In addiction treatment they encourage peer-to-peer interaction during recovery.

This support groups are a safe space and also provide opportunities to make new friends in a safe environment

Be patient with Yourself

Persons in recovery are reminded to celebrate the progress they have made and also celebrate the wins

David Mugendi in addition says that one needs to become comfortable with who they are now, and who they are becoming.

Keeping the positives in mind should make it easier to make new friends and reconnect with your community

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