In Summary

  • The woman reportedly set a gas cylinder on fire causing the fire to burn the house with her two children inside
  • The woman however escaped death with injuries

A woman in Saina, Kajiado County has burnt her two children after her husband allegedly married another wife.

The woman reportedly set a gas cylinder on fire causing the fire to burn the house with her two children inside.

Neighbours say that one of the children kept calling for help from the burning house.

“Huyo mtoto mdogo alikiwa analia kwa uchungu, akiniita, mama Jenny kuja unisaidie, mama Jenny kuja unisaidie lakini sikuwa na uwezo wa kumsaidia.

“Mto ulikuwa unawaka, gas inanuka kwa hiyo nyumba na hata alikuwa amefunga mahali alikuwa analala na watoto,” said a neighbour.

According to the neighbour, the neighbour, after setting the house the woman got out then went back in.

“We do not even know what took her back into the house. I was here alone so I couldn’t do anything,” she said.

Woman escaped with injuries

The woman however escaped death with injuries.

She was saved from the fire by neighbours who then called the police officers.

Preliminary investigations state that the mother had had a domestic tiff with the husband over the phone in the last two weeks.

The husband has allegedly been living with another woman and had not gone back to the family for approximately two weeks.

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