In Summary

  • They have given the DP 7 days ultimatum to vacate office .
  • Same sentiments were shared with North Eastern Leaders who threatened to impeach second in command.
  • Gachagua says the NIS boss Noordin Haji misled the president by giving vague intel leading to security mess on 25th June protesters stormed


Bunge la Mwananchi organization has threatened to stage demos at DP Rigathi Gachagua’s office should he fail to resign within 7 days.

Addressing the media the pressure group termed Gachagua’s utterances on National Intelligence Service boss Noordin Haji uncouth, disastrous and unfortunate for a person who sits in a cabinet.

They want the DP to resign and stop shifting blames to other top government officials.

“We are giving him one week to resign honorably failure to which we  shall invoke article 37 and ensure that he is out of that office.” Bwana Oyugi told the media .

“He can not go to the media to rant on issues that borders security we want him to resign immediately and criticise that the government when he is outside.” Bunge official Robert Kiberenge said.

North Eastern Leaders Demand

Meanwhile leaders from North Eastern defended Haji terming Gachagua’s utterances as personal and that he should resign with immediate effect instead of criticizing the government whilst  serving.

According to them Gachagua should not bring politics into security matters and that Haji is also not answerable to his office.

‘‘The DP’s actions in discussing sensitive civil servants such as the Director General of the NIS in the press instead of taking his concerns to the National Security Committee in which both of them sit, are reckless and unfortunate, Following his attacks on Haji and open sabotage of President William Ruto, it is untenable for him to continue serving as Deputy President,” the statement reads.

“We believe NIS provided critical information on criminal elements that infiltrated the legitimate and peaceful protesters, which resulted in loss of life, looting of businesses and destruction of property,” the leaders further added.

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