In Summary

  • Billnass denies theft of ‘Mabos’.
  • He has revealed having a collaboration ‘Kibosibosi’ with Dulla Makabila which is still in the offing.
  • Dulla has since toned down on inflicting harm on Billnass however, he wants to be compensated.

High flying Bongo rapper Billnass has denied stealing the song ‘Maboss’ from his Singeli counterpart Dulla Makabila.

According to Billnass, Makabila crossed the line by attacking him online when he could have easily called him and sorted out the issue.

Billnass further revealed that he has a collaboration dubbed Kibosibosi in the offing with none other than Makabila.

He added that he has tried reaching out to him but his calls have gone unanswered, still, he has promised to have a sit down with him.

“Dulla anachanganya vitu…nimeshangaa kwa nini kawai kuandika mtandaoni na nitaongea naye …ile ya kwake ambayo tunatakiwa kufanya sio Mabos ile inaitwa Kibosibosi” stated Billnass.

Billnass explained that he has been unable to find by phone since he’s been shooting new videos and using the same phone.

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While summing up, Billnass appeared unperturbed while affirming that Mabos is his first song in his new phase as an artist.

Celebrity couple Billnass and Nandy PHOTO/INSTAGRAM


Dulla Trashes Billnass Sentiments

However, Dulla trashed Billnass sentiments affirming that there’s no difference between ‘Mabos’ and ‘Kibosibosi’.

He went ahead and shared his disappointment noting that he had already spent a fortune paying for the production fees.

He also revealed that Billnass has been evading him for quite some time now.

Dulla also noted that he was not ready to spoil their relationship affirming that Billnass’s wife, Nandy normally invites him for shows.

“Wewe kwa akili ya kawaida Kibosibosi na Mabos unatofauti gani yani kwa haraka haraka…Mimi kumuachia nyimbo sio shida sawa…Nataka gharama yangu tu irudi” he asserted partly.

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With a day since its release, Maboss is currently disturbing the peace. It has already amassed 202k views on You Tube and still counting.


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