In Summary

  • Denmark’s Minister  for development cooperation and Global Climate Policy visits Mathare Flood Victims
  • Demolitions have only led to more suffering
  • Floods destroyed Mathare Valley houses, forcing families to settle on mabati roofs.

Relentless Rainfall and widespread flooding in May 2024 In Kenya  resulted in the tragic loss of at least 267 lives  and the displacement of over 380,000 people.

Floods destroyed Mathare Valley houses, forcing families to settle on mabati roofs.

READ also:Mathare Activists Together With Partners Support Families Affected By Floods

Denmark’s Minister Visits Mathare

Denmark’s Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy during  a trip to Mathare has met residents who have been most hit by the recent crisis.

Hosted by Rachael Mwikali founder, Coalition for Grasroots Human Rights Defenders ,the Denmark  team met families  that have been left homeless after the recent demolitions .

The team later shared a meal with Mathare residents who’ve been left homeless

READ also:State of Floods:Residents of Mukuru Kwa Reuben Oppose Riparian Land Eviction

Mathare Demolitions


Speaking to Ghetto Radio News Nancy Wanjiru lamented on the Government’s directive to have their homes demolished

‘’Sisi sasa hatuna kwa kukaa tunawasha tu moto tunakaa nje  , tumebaki bila chochote na tuko na watoto’’ narrated an Angry Nancy

The Government response was marked by a directive to evacuate residents living within 30 metres  of riparian corridors within 48hrs

The demolitions according to residents  have only led to more suffering as those affected say they are being carried out in a chaotic and inhumane way.

Speaking to Ghetto Radio  News, Rachael Mwikali who spearheaded the Denmark’s trip to Mathare says demolishing people’s homes in the name of affordable housing is a sign that we have a government that has turned a deaf ear to the ”Common Mwananchi’s” struggles.

”People living in the informal settlements  can’t afford to pay for houses costing millions” Lamented The Human Rights Defender


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