In Summary

  • I’m the reincarnation of E-Sir, A.Y!
  • Both E-Sir and A.Y boasts of a similar rap delivery used in commercializing their sound.
  • Despite being Tanzanian, A.Y has worked with the then popular Kenyan stable, Ogopa DJ’s which also housed the late E-Sir.

Veteran Bongo Flava rapper Ambwene Yesaya popularly known as A.Y has revealed that he’s the reincarnation of fallen Kenyan rapper, Issa Mmari fondly referred to as E-Sir.

Taking to his Instagram, A.Y shared a past video of his show in Dubai while performing E-Sir’s song, Boomba Train. The song was a massive hit back then, it also featured veteran singer, Nameless.

Indeed, the song is still a masterpiece despite being older than some lads right now like is witnessed in the video.

A.Y hits every note with sheer precision as the crowd sings along to every line.

“Tumekuja kuparty DJ hebu weka tracky, tukule hepi alafu tufungue sakafu sababu inabamba inashika, wingu la tisa inafikisha” he raps.



Similar Sound

Despite being Tanzanian, A.Y has worked with the then popular Kenyan recording stable, Ogopa DJ’s which also housed the late E-Sir.

Both A.Y and E-Sir also boast of a unique similar rap delivery used in commercializing their sound.

The pair refrained from being hardcore choosing easy flowing and melodious lyrics not akin to rappers.

At one moment they’ll be rapping before switching to smooth singing further adding life to their creations.

This outplay even saw A.Y assuming the nickname ‘Mzee Wa Commercial’. Even after E-Sir’s demise, A.Y has trudged on maintaining his grit to date.

Recently, A.Y was inducted at the Bongo Flava Honors which is an equivalent of ‘Hall Of Fame’.

A.Y is arguably bongo’s rapper who’s more Kenyan than Tanzanian. He has worked with Jaguar, Avril and Amani.

At one point, he was also rumored to be going out with Amani at the height of their features.

Do you believe A.Y’s sentiments that he’s E-Sir’s reincarnation?

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