In Summary

  • Many have lost their lives in the famous bridge.
  • Residents pleads with the security personnel to provide security in the bridge.

Ruaraka and Kariobangi residents are living in fear following an  increased insecurity at the famous Kariobangi -Kariadudu bridge which has now become hub for criminal gangs.
According to area residents this year at least 5 have lost their lives to criminals and another 12 seriously injured by the criminal elements terrorising residents at the bridge.
“We have complained severally to the authorities about the security of this bridge but it seems we are not heard.Can you imagine that as from 10.30 onwards passing this bridge is a deadly affair because this criminals have mastered robery art and they start stabbing those who are late by 10.30 pm at night.It is a worrying trend.” David Achola Babadogo Village elder told Ghetto Radio News.
“This week alone we have received two reports of those who have been serious stabbed no one has been arrested and it goes on and on what a country.” Achola added.

Criminals Within

Achola says most of the criminals terrorising residents in the bridge are well known with majority being actually those who were borned and raised in Kariadudu and Kasabuni.
“The bigger challenge we have is the defence these criminals get from their parents.If have them arrested their parents defends them,bail them out and at some point bribe officers to get away with their criminal activities.After that they attack you.” Achola added.

Residents Appeal

They are now asking the security personnel to move with speed and provide security in the said bridge and all criminals involved arrested.
“It is our prayer that we see some sanity in this bridge failure to which many will continue losing their lives.To our youths crime is not an option to unemployment we can always engage our lives meaningfully.” He told youths.

September 14, 2023

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