In Summary

  • It was during an interview with Dr.King’ori on 14th November that Terence Creative expressed his fears on raising his three kids.
  • Terence also talked about an incidence when he was the age of his last born. He suffered malnutrition to an extent that he was supposed to be amputated.
  • Terence is resolute about instilling essential life lessons in his children. Drawing from his own experiences, he emphasized that he does not want to pamper his kids but rather wants to teach them the value of hard work.

The Fears of Fatherhood according to Terence Creative

It was during an interview with Dr.King’ori on 14th November that Terence Creative expressed his fears on raising his three kids.

Lawrence Macharia, popularly known as Terence Creative said that his greatest fear is failure to provide for his family.

Terence grew up at Mlango Kubwa in the Mathare slums. He reflected on how challenging life was for him being the youngest of three.

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His older brother got his hip bone broken after he was beaten by the mob. This was after he was caught stealing. That was when his older brother stopped stealing.

Terence Creative PHOTO Courtesy

His eldest brother also was about to be beaten by the mob but Terence saw it and quickly called the police.

Terence too had a narrow escape from the mob as he admits to being a petty thief in his childhood.

Terence also talked about an incidence when he was the age of his lastborn. He suffered malnutrition to an extent that he was supposed to be amputated.

His grandmother however refused and took care of him until he became well.

“Nikiwa age ya my last born nilikuwa na malnutriotion. Actually ilikuwa nikuwe amputated but shosho yangu alikataa.

Nikiraise watoto wangu siwezi taka wakose direction kwa life. Sasa kunakuanga, staki kudekeza mtoto, na pia nataka kumfunza hard life,” he said.

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His primary goal right now is to ensure his children have everything they need.

Terence’ Lessons to his Kids

Terence is resolute about instilling essential life lessons in his children. Drawing from his own experiences, he emphasized that he does not want to pamper his kids but rather wants to teach them the value of hard work.

Terence Creative with wife,Milly Chebby PHOTO Courtesy

The comedian is keen on ensuring that his children understand the hardships their family endured, emphasizing the importance of appreciating their current situation while not forgetting their roots.

“What I wouldn’t want, ukweli tu ya Mungu, ni watoto wangu wa suffer. Sisi tumestruggle kupata food, amenities… Si hatukuwa hata na choo.

“Watoto wetu wakija tutawambia mahali tumetoka ndio firts of all wasiwaste what we have built and also appreciate what we have built,” he said.

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