In Summary
  • News of a man committing suicide broke yesterday afternoon in Pipeline Estate, Nairobi
  • He jumped off the 7th floor of the house from a flat where he lived. 
  • Friends say he was depressed, alluding to the high cost of living. 

News broke that a man popularly known as Vaite jumped off the 7th floor of a flat he lived in, dying instantly. This was in Pipeline Estate in Nairobi Eastlands at around 2:30 pm.

Charles Vaite used to sell Mogoka at the Pipeline stage in a makeshift that people frequented. Friends say he was friendly and very social but in December things seemed to change.

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On the fatal day, Vaite left his business to go home to rest in the afternoon and that was the last he would be seen alive!

“Jamaa wenu ameruka kutoka 7th floor amechapa down amededi…” Oti on how the news broke to friends.

Why Vaite could have committed suicide.
  1. Strained finances: He was broke. 

Friends say his business was not doing well and had borrowed from friends, resulting to many unpaid debts.

“Huyu jamaa kutoka hii December amekua tu na stress.” Oti said.

Days before his death, he had borrowed Ksh2,500 from Oti, a friend and was to pay once he stabilized. He used the money to stock his business in anticipation of booming business during Christmas festive. He did fairly well and was planning to pay in Ksh1,000 installments. He paid the first installment before meeting his death.

There were days he slept in the makeshift having been locked out of the house.

Read Also: Government launches National Guidelines on Workplace Mental Wellness.

2. Relationship: Marriage woes

Vaite was married and with children who could visit him at the makeshift kiosk.

Friends say his marriage was on the rocks and they had constant wrangles.

While in tears, he told friend they had a quarrel with the wife, and all was not well.

“Nimeenda home na nikapata wife na watoto hawako na amebeba kila kitu. Amewacha tu nguo zake zingine…” Vaite told friends while in tears.

Days before Christmas neighbors say he had a quarrel with the wife, which was the last they heard of them. The wife left with the children and to make matters worse, carried almost everything in the house.

The High Cost of living
Protestor against the high cost of living is arrested by police. PHOTO Courtesy of AFP/ Simon Maina.

His friend Oti alluded this to the high cost of living in Kenya. He reckoned the situation was tough and it is not only Vaite who was suffering, many are, but in silence.

However, he faults Vaite for committing suicide saying it was not the best solution. He suggests he could have held on just as they are coping as well.

He says at times they have only one meal in a day and that’s enough to push to the next day.

He compares the current situation to a man in the middle of the ocean in a capsizing boat, but you must hold on tight and not lose hope for help will soon come.

Read Also: Ruto’s Tax-Broken Christmas in Kenya

“Life ni kuninginiya tu. Ni kama uko kwa boat inazama na huwezi choka na kuwachilia, ju ukiwachilia umezama! Vaite aliwachilia na sio poa.” Oti speaking to Majimaji on Ghetto Radio during the morning show Brekko.

The tough economic times has exposed Kenyans to a complicated mental health conditions and extremes, it is possible lives like Vaite are claimed by the condition.

Pole to the family and friends.


January 3, 2024

Written by:

Ghetto Radio Managing Director, a Leadership Scholar, Social enthusiast, humanity is a core pillar. Musician and music lover. I am Unbwogable!

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