In Summary

  • Neema is the first born in a family of six
  • She’s currently undergoing Chemotherapy at the KNH
  •  Appeal to well wisher to help her single mum currently struggling

In the heart of Ruiru town , meet Neema Rioba a soft-spoken 21yr old  girl who is bravely fighting rectal cancer.

Neema is the first born in a family of six.

She says after finishing her class 8 exams  life took an unexpected turn.

Neema’s Brave Journey

Hospital Documents

Around 2020, neema says She  experienced difficulties passing stool which prompted  immediate medical attention

” Nilianza kuskia maumivu , nikienda haja kubwa ikaanza kuwa na damu” Narrated a soft-spoken Neema

She visited  several  Hospitals in Ruiru,  Thika and later Kiambu but at the time the doctors were unable to provide a concrete diagnosis

Her mother suggested that She should visit a hospital in Kisii.

READ also:African Women Fighting Breast Cancer



“mama akanipeleka hospitali kisii inaitwa Galax nikatolewa nyama wakapima na wakasema Niko na Cancer ” narrated a tearly Neema

She was later refered to the Kenyatta National Hospital .

However , treatment at the Kenyatta National Hospital had its fare share of challenges as her mother was unable to raise the Hospital bills

“Baba aliniacha nikabaki na mama,lakini kwa Bahati nzuri aliongea na wakubwa na nikasaidiwa na department ya social work”  narrated a grateful Rioba

Her treatment journey began  in 2023.

READ also:How I lost Ksh 6.5 million to NHIF Staff Impostor In ‘Lucrative’ Tender

Chemotherapy Sessions

Neema has gone through a total of thirteen radiotherapy sessions

“Huko Kenyatta nilifanyiwa radiotherapy 13 cycles nikamaliza sasa ndio nafanyiwa chemotherapy, walisema cancer iko stage 3  ”

Though her NHIf has come in handy to help settle the hospital bills Neema says her mother is struggling to raise money for blood tests amongst other needs

” Bado shida ni mingi, mama analemewa kupata pesa ya kwenda kufanya tests, chakula pia ni shida na fare  ya kwenda Kenyatta Huwa inakosa”

Use of Colostomy Bag

Neema uses a Colostomy bag which helps collect stool from the digestive tract through an opening in the abdominal wall called a stoma.

” Nilifanyiwa njia ya choo hapa kwa tumbo. Hapa ndio najisaidia na nimekuwa nayo since 2023,huwa naitoa na naisafisha”

Though Neema spends most of her time indoors all alone she hopes that one day she can get a job to help her mother who is currently singlehandedly taking care of the family .

” Naweza Fanya kazi kidogo ju naumia mgongo but ningeomba mtu ako ka kazi poa apatie mama mzazi kwa sababu Kwa Sasa anafanya vibarua” pleaded Neema





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