In Summary

  • Parents Call for Urgent Relocation of Dangerous Dumpsite
  • The pupils ran to the school with a swarm of bees following them

Worried Parents of Kari D.E.B Primary school Pupils in Kisii are demanding the immediate relocation of a nearby dumpsite this is after 49 pupils were attacked by a swarm of bees yesterday.

Concerned parents fear that if a swift action is not taken then a similar incident may recur.

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The incident unfolded when the pupils, under the supervision of their teachers, ventured out of the school premises around 1 p.m. in search of loquats near the dumpsite, Little did they know that the area surrounding the dumpsite was home to bees

 As the children approached the site, they unintentionally disturbed the bees, triggering a fierce and terrifying response from the insects.

County Government of Kisii

Abel Maseno, the head teacher of Kari D.E.B Primary School, recounted the chaotic scene as the bees pursued the pupils back to the school premises.

“It was around 1:30 when the children were out for lunch a few of the boys went out of the compound. Just next to the school, we have a dumping site where they went to look for loquats,”

he said

“When they touched on the loquats, unfortunately, there were bees that landed on them, and the kids ran to school for protection. As they were running to school, they came with the swarm of bees,”

As a result, 14 pupils out of the 49 who were attacked had to be rushed to Oresi Sub County Hospital for severe bee bite reactions, while the remaining students received immediate medical attention and were later discharged.

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Cyrus Juma, the Sub County Director of Education, visited the scene shortly after the incident and lent his support to the parents’ demand for relocation. He appealed to the Kisii County Government to prioritize the matter and collaborate with the education authorities to ensure the safety of the students.

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