In Summary
  • Nyamu lashed out at those saying 10,000 is little money.
  • Some flood victims from Mathare allege that they haven’t received the monies yet.

Nominated senator Karen Nyamu now says 10,000 shillings compensation money meant for flood victims is enough.

Why 10,000 is Enough- Nyamu

During an interview with Ghetto Radio, Nyamu wondered why those who were displaced by the floods were asking for more money yet houses in the slums were cheap.

READ ALSO:Why Karen Nyamu Wants Aluta to be Banned

“90 percent ya watu washapata hiyo doo, ..Trouble mimi nilikuwa nalipa rent 2k kule slums..unataka gava ikupatie 50k uende uishi keja ya 20k utalipa na nini next month? Na hata mwenye amejenga pale panabomolewa ni riparian kwa hivyo ni illegal structure,”Nyamu said in an Interview with Ghetto Radio’s Goteana show on Thursday.

“Tafuta alternative place lipa deposit ya 2k ya nyumba, buy kitanda ya 2k uko sawa…nasi ati hawa watu hawana jobs hawa watu wana vibarua  …..mimi sijaskia hao wakizusha eti ni doo kidogo ni kina nyinyi Trouble ndio munazusha,”

She also defended the government’s move to demolish houses near rivers saying the government was taking a precaution following the number of deaths and destruction of property witnessed recently when heavy rains pounded the city.

No compensation yet

Speaking during a visit of the affected areas early this month in Mathare, President William Ruto promised emergency financial assistance to every household affected and displaced by floods.

“Nitawapatia pesa ya kutafuta mahali ya kurent for the next three months wakati serikali inapanga vile mambo yenyu itashughulikiwa,” he said.

“Every household (40,000) that have been displaced in Nairobi County is going to be paid 10,000 shillings so that they could find alternative accommodation as we plan for their future …na nimesema hiyo pesa haitakuliwa na mabwenyenye,”

This even comes as some flood victims from Mathare revealed that they haven’t been compensated yet despite the President promising them compensation earlier this month.

They allege that the whole compensation process is marred by corruption leaving out genuine flood victims.

READ ALSO:I Was Lacking Samidoh in My Life- Karen Nyamu

Insensitive Demolitions

Meanwhile Human Rights activists have come out to condemn the ongoing demolitions in slum areas in Nairobi terming the whole process as inhumane and illegal.

These sentiments were also echoed by Embakasi East MP Babu Owino.

“The demolitions that are ongoing in Nairobi are illegal and undermine human dignity, the government has moved with speed to destroy people’s properties and houses, the government has caused trouble for the people in the slam areas,” he said.

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