In Summary

  • Harmonize eats four chickens by self.
  • The Konde Gang president was paid 200M for a recent show in Kahama.
  • Businessman Fred Vunjabei refuted claims of disagreeing with Harmonize over a woman.

Harmonize eats four chickens by self in 24 hours during an outing, the revelation was made by influencer and comedian, Doto Magari in a recent interview.

The funnyman further disclosed that Harmonize was paid 200M Tanzanian shillings by businessman Fred Vunjabei.

According to Doto Magari, Harmonize is choosy on performance fees and takes not less than 200M which Fred Vunjabei paid.

He added that in Tanzania it’s only Vunjabei who can afford to pay Harmonize such an amount of money.

“Na si unajua Harmonize anakula kuku wanne…Harmonize anakula kuku wanne we ngoja mpaka saa hizi masaa ishirini na nne uskie kala kuku wangapi” asserted Doto partly.

No Bad Blood Between Harmonize & Vunjabei

While speaking during the launch of his new business in Kahama, Vunjabei noted that they’ve never had squabbles with Harmonize.

According to Vunjabei, there’s a false narrative being peddled that he fell out with Harmonize because of a woman.

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The flamboyant businessman further noted that he has had only one woman in his life whom is also his first love.

Vunjabei has invested heavily in the fashion business with his store line spread across Tanzania.

Fans Reactions

Harmonize performance during Vunjabei’s business launch has since elicited mixed reactions.

The 200M figure which is an equivalent of about 12M Kenya shillings paid to Harmonize has been termed bogus.

We sampled a few of the reactions below.

“Hebu acheni bana kutudanganya 200 mmmmmmmhh”

“Milioni 200 ni uongo”

“Milioni 200 ama laki mbili”

“Am not surprised maana Harmonize asingefanya”

Taking to his Instagram, Harmonize shared a footage while performing at Vunjabei’s event disclosing that he’s the top paid artist in Tanzania.

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However, he did not give the exact figure as he also channeled the proceeds of his show to go in aid of underprivileged children in Hanang.

Mama Samia Suluhu has also been championing the same course in Hanang.

Now, for the chicken lovers, do you think you can beat Harmonize’s appetite of 4 chickens chickens?

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December 10, 2023

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