In Summary
  • While some voices have welcomed the move, others expressed concerns.
  • Odinga says he is ready to serve in that position

Opposition leader Raila Odinga’s decision to declare interest for the African Union Commission (AU) chairmanship has not been received well in his Political Backyard Kibra.

Those who spoke to Ghetto Radio on Friday allege that the move by Odinga to vie for the position will divert his attention away from addressing local issues leaving them politically orphaned.

READ ALSO:Why Raila AU Job will Curtail His Political Activities

Politically Orphaned

They feel like there will be no one left to champion there interests especially in this hard economic times bedeviling the nation.

“Hii mambo napinga kabisa hii serikali yetu inatesa watu na baba ndio huchunga hawa watu ndio wasitese watu..hakuna watu watapinga hiii serikali ya kutesa watu,” Sammy Odhiambo said.

“Mimi nimakataa baba kwenda AU..kwa sababu gani? Baba ndio alikuwa amesimama na sisi hapa..kutupigania right yetu..tutakuwa tumebaki uchi…akienda huku atasahau siasa ya Kenya,” another resident claimed.

Best decision

However there are others who have welcomed the move.

One Kelvin Otieno says it’s now time for Raila to represent Africa as he possesses the requisite qualities to represent Africa effectively.

“Anaenda AU kusupport wana wa afrika…mimi nasupport..hii siasa ya Kenya Raila amejaribu kwa muda mrefu sana hatuoni ikimpeleka pale anataka…anajaribu inaenda kona kona,” he said.

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“Serving as the AU High Representative for Infrastructure gave me the advantage of learning about each African country. I believe by working together, we can emancipate Africa,”Odinga said in a press conference on Thursday.

On Thursday Former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo endorsed Raila’s candidacy.

Obasanjo emphasized the importance of having a leader from Eastern Africa helm the AU Commission.

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February 16, 2024

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